If you want to support me
They are many different ways of supporting me from sending me a message for moral support or just watching my videos to getting me a coffee. A lot of learning went into making this happen from web design, editing videos, how to record good footage, sound, keeping everything charged all while having crappy free Wi-Fi didn’t help! did all this whilst cycling across the world. So if you have the means of supporting me in an way your the best.
Thank you
If you have supported me in any way thank you, even if it’s just watching me on YouTube or following me on instagram thank you. To the fantastic people that helped me along the way from giving me food, water, letting me do my laundry, to camping in the garden, to letting me stay in their house, you are amazing! the words, thank you, just doesn’t cut it. If you donated to the charity then thank you, you are super. And to the people that bought me a coffee or a burger, you’re the best, it’s the little things that make a big difference. A truly massive thanks to you all.

Epilepsy foundation
As you can see I don’t let anything stop me. Not even epilepsy! I had to surrender my driving license and was told I cannot drive the diggers, dumpers or the rollers at work. I wasn’t aloud to work from a height and I was fed up of people telling me what I could and couldn’t do, even things you don’t think of like getting a bath. Enough is enough! so I planned what I thought to be the hardest challenge possible, cycle from Alaska to Argentina, just to show everybody I can do these things!
I do take medication, which is hard whilst travelling firstly to get and then to take through borders, as I have a few months supply and it’s not in the correct packaging due to struggling for space on the bike, but I seem to get over these obstacles.
My epilepsy started out of the blue about 10 years ago and it was a big shock, at first I hid it because I didn’t want loved ones to worry about me, I couldn’t even talk about it, I would just cry, but it got worse and I had to get help. I saw it as a weakness, one I couldn’t change, but over time I realised it is what it is and I won’t let it beat me or stop me living my life to the full!
Social media
Follow me on social media to keep up to date and just watching my videos is a great way to support me.
If you would like to buy me a burger or treat me to a coffee that would be amazing.
Pay pal
Coin base
If you can donate to the epilepsy foundation that would be superb.